
Author Shares Unorthodox Look at the Ways of Water

How water moves through the global ecosystem and shapes our landscapes is the subject of a must-read new book by writer Erica Gies, according to BookShelf editor Tom Henry. A significant part of water’s story is how humanity invariably fails when trying to manipulate it. But hope may reside with Gies’ various “water detectives,” who explore how to “let water go where it wants to go.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

Methane, a Key Global Warming Source, Is Targeted by Nations

Carbon dioxide may get more attention, but the second-most damaging greenhouse gas, methane, is now the focus of a global pledge to cut emissions 30% by 2030. ​​As part of a Society of Environmental Journalists publishing project focused on covering climate solutions, we take a closer look at methane with energy reporter Nushin Huq. A primer on the climate-related problems of methane and the promise of methane-based solutions. Plus, watch a recent SEJ methane solutions webinar and see our Methane and Climate Change Toolbox.

SEJ Publication Types: 

EPA-Mandated Regional Haze Plans Open Horizons on Local, State Stories

A Biden administration move to force states to submit cleanup plans for regional haze offers opportunities to report air pollution news in your area, writes the latest TipSheet. The Clean Air Act regulatory program, focused on parks and wilderness areas, is not just about the scenery, but human health too. The backstory and the list of states, plus reporting resources and story ideas.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
September 20, 2022 to September 23, 2022

Clean Energy Justice (CEJ) Convergence

More than 45 organizations will come together in Pittsburgh to stand in solidarity with people around the world working to advance truly clean energy justice. CEJ will spotlight Indigenous leaders from the Lummi Nation and frontline community activists from SW Pennsylvania, the Pacific Northwest and the Gulf Coast.

September 9, 2022

Sustain What? Telling Stories With Graphics

Watch the recording of Dale Willman (Columbia Climate School’s Resilience Media Project) having a discussion with graphics editor Mira Rojanasakul of the New York Times, who designed the Aug 12, 2022 article "The Coming California Megastorm." 1:00 p.m. ET.

Topics on the Beat: 

Regulators Let Oil Companies Gulp California's Dwindling High-Quality Water

"California’s oil industry uses hundreds of millions of gallons of freshwater a year in a state with none to spare. Most of that water is used in Kern County, where communities have long lacked affordable, safe drinking water."

Source: Inside Climate News, 09/19/2022


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