
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

‘A Myriad of Voices’ Tells of Restoring a Swamp in Crisis

When a pair of journalists reported on a degraded Colombian mangrove swamp, they turned to two local fishermen to help tell the story, tapping into their experience as they worked to repair the ecosystem that fed their community. In the latest Inside Story Q&A, reporter Jacobo Patiño Giraldo explains their successful use of primary source solutions journalism.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Slow Pace of Mining, Federal Layoffs to Stymie Trump's Order"

"Federal agencies will need fully-staffed teams to implement President Donald Trump’s order for the Interior Department and other agencies to expedite mining on federal lands, natural resources lawyers say. But massive staffing cuts could get in the way of Trump’s demand to mine more minerals domestically, and it could take years for agencies and companies to mobilize and begin digging rock."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 03/24/2025

"Sardines In Hot Water Are Swapping Plankton For Plastics"

"Sardines in the Mediterranean struggling for a decent bite of shrinking plankton are accidentally ingesting more and more microplastics and microfibres, scientists have found. And the root cause of all their problems? Well, it's climate change - of course."

Source: Oceanographic, 03/24/2025

Oystercatcher Recovery Campaign Offers a Rare Conservation Success Story

"Fifteen years of coordinated conservation efforts have produced a significant recovery in the U.S. population of the American oystercatcher, a bird with a distinctive bright red bill that breeds and roosts on beaches and coastal marshes, at a time when most shorebirds are declining."

Source: Inside Climate News, 03/21/2025

How Bird Flu Hits Wild Birds And What It Means For Backyard Bird Feeders

"Bird flu has devastated poultry and dairy farms, and sent the price of eggs soaring in the United States since it was first detected in North America in late 2021. But what has been the toll on wild birds? More than 170 species of North American wild birds – including ducks, geese, gulls, owls, eagles and others – have been infected with bird flu."

Source: AP, 03/19/2025

COP30 Mulls Hiring PR Firm That Worked For Weaker Amazon Protections

"Edelman, the world’s largest public relations agency, is in talks to work with the Cop30 team organising the UN climate summit in the Amazon later this year despite its prior connections to a major trade group accused of lobbying to roll back measures to protect the area from deforestation, the Guardian and the Centre for Climate Reporting can reveal."

Source: Guardian, 03/18/2025

Desperately Seeking Data? OECD Has Loads

If the possibility of a politically driven dearth of data for your climate and environment reporting has you on edge, the new Reporter’s Toolbox just may have something to soothe your nerves: A data source from beyond the grasp of the Trump administration and outside the boundaries of the United States. Take a quick tour of environmental data from the OECD.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 26, 2025

Drawdown Nexus: How We Can Create a Triple Win for Climate, Nature and People

In this briefing, Project Drawdown Senior Scientist Paul West, Ph.D., will highlight how the Drawdown Nexus program can guide businesses, funders, policymakers and others toward the most impactful technologies and practices that address climate change and biodiversity loss while improving human well-being. 2 p.m. ET.



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