
"Why Heat Wave Warnings Are Falling Short In The U.S."

"In July 1995, weather reports in Chicago started warning residents about an incoming heat wave. It was going to be hot — around 100 degrees — but nothing that was unheard of for a Chicago summer. That heat wave turned out to be one of the deadliest in recorded U.S. history."

Source: NPR, 09/14/2022

"EPA Beats Challenge to New Freedom of Information Act Process"

"The Environmental Protection Agency defeated claims brought over changes it made to its internal policies for handling Freedom of Information Act requests, after a federal judge in Washington, D.C. ruled that the changes wouldn’t slow down requests or subject them to political interference."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/14/2022

"‘Clairvoyant’ 2012 Climate Report Warned Of Extreme Weather"

"Record high temperatures in urban Europe as heat waves bake the planet more often. Devastating floods, some in poorer unprepared areas. Increasing destruction from hurricanes. Drought and famine in poorer parts of Africa as dry spells worsen across the globe. Wild weather worldwide getting stronger and more frequent, resulting “in unprecedented extremes.”"

Source: AP, 09/14/2022


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