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Following are SEJ members' sites, our current "good blogs and news sources" list, and an archive (pre 2009) of those previously recommended by members as useful to any journalist covering environmental issues.
The latter includes blogs, forums, news sites, or feeds. They focus on environmental journalism, environment or journalism... or any combination thereof. Some are commercial, some non-profit, some political. The list was initiated by an exchange on SEJ-Talk (SEJ's members-only discussion listserv; go here for subscription information and archives) in which journalists, educators and others volunteered their favorite sites. Subsequent suggestions were received and added. Some links may now be broken. Enjoy!
SEJ Members
SEJ Members' Blogs and Websites
Here is a list of SEJ members' own blogs and websites, covering a plethora of environmental topics
Non-Member Blogs
Some Good Blogs
Some good blogs and environmental news sources. -
Archived Environmental Blogs and More
The Ultimate Environmental Blog list, on SEJ's old site (posted prior to 2009).