Middle East

With Climate, an Undercurrent of Violence

In his ambitious first book, “The Heat and the Fury: On the Frontlines of Climate Violence,” journalist Peter Schwartzstein explores how climate change explains conflict, even war. BookShelf editor Tom Henry calls it a deeply researched volume that makes a strong case for the connections between global warming, political instability and violence, not just in poorer regions but for the richer West as well.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"As War Halts, the Environmental Devastation in Gaza Runs Deep"

"The war in Gaza has taken a heavy toll on the environment, with water supplies contaminated, raw sewage pouring into the Mediterranean, once-fertile soils ruined, and the land stripped of trees. Experts say the extent of the damage needs to be tallied to help plan for a recovery."

Source: YaleE360, 02/10/2025

#SEJSpotlight: Bassam Al-Qadhi, Science Journalist; Founder and President, Humanitarian Journalism Foundation

Meet SEJ member Bassam Al-Qadhi! Specializing in environmental, climate and science reporting, Bassam has presented in-depth investigations in both Arabic and English, addressing environmental challenges and the effects of climate change in Yemen. He is also the founder and president of the Humanitarian Journalism Foundation.

Topics on the Beat: 

Threats of Media Censorship Cloud COP29

Again this year, a petrostate hosts the COP climate gathering. Azerbaijan as host not only raises questions of how an oil-rich nation can help foster the fossil fuel cuts needed to stem climate change. But WatchDog Opinion also worries what Azerbaijan’s poor press freedom record will mean for journalists covering the gathering and for the civil society that normally enlivens the meeting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

How Climate Change Complicates the Refugee Crisis

The displacement of populations by climate impacts, while not a new phenomenon in human history, is worsening in the face of global warming’s extreme weather patterns. Yet the extensive international regime to aid refugees doesn’t cover those migrating due to flooding, drought, natural disasters or climate change. Backgrounder considers the implications and how nations will respond to the new realities.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Making Sense of Jewish Perspectives on the Climate Story

American Jews are heavily involved in climate action in both the political and civic realms. But current events in Israel and Gaza can make it hard for U.S. journalists to cover environmental stories important to Jews at home or abroad. Jewish freelancer Ethan Brown on differences and synergies between Israeli and American Jewish environmentalism and how to approach stories within each community.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Video: Houthi Planted Bombs On Tanker Now Threatening Red Sea Oil Spill

"Yemen’s Houthi rebels released footage on Thursday showing their fighters boarded and placed explosives on a Greek-flagged tanker, setting off blasts that put the Red Sea at risk of a major oil spill. The vessel was abandoned earlier, after the Houthis repeatedly attacked it."

Source: AP, 08/30/2024


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