
"Most Homebuyers And Renters Aren’t Warned About Flood Or Wildfire Risk"

"Each family had their reasons for ending up in harm’s way. For the Harts, it was the chance to have a large backyard in a quiet part of Ashland, Ore. The porch of the Baltimore house was perfect for Scott Harris' barbecue equipment. Kevin Boudreaux had grown up on the bayou and wanted to settle near his childhood home in Cameron, La."

Source: NPR, 10/20/2020

Climate Assessment Delayed? Plus, High Court To Hear Enviro FOIA Case

A forthcoming U.S. National Climate Assessment, due in 2022, faces delays, thanks to Trump administration foot-dragging, according to the new WatchDog Opinion column. And the Supreme Court, possibly with a new Justice Amy Coney Barrett aboard, is about to hear arguments on a freedom of information case involving the Endangered Species Act.

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Climate Money Meets the Super PACs

Amid the frenzy of Election 2020 comes a quieter development: The emergence of Big Climate money. Green groups and climate-focused fundraisers are now starting to take their place as major players alongside Big Oil as campaign contributors. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox suggests databases and other resources to help track climate (and other election) money.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Letting Residents Take the Lead in ‘Polluter's Paradise’

A battery of polluting industry spewing toxic pollution and a small town of residents south of Baton Rouge unbowed by their circumstance make for the ingredients of a powerful team investigative project, newly named to the top prize in the Society of Environmental Journalists’ 2020 reporting awards. Inside Story offers a look behind “Polluter’s Paradise” in a Q&A with reporter Tristan Baurick.

SEJ Publication Types: 
October 23, 2020

Tracking Government Efforts to Restrict Scientific Research

Join the Earth Institute's Resilience Media Project, 11:00 a.m.-Noon ET, for a discussion with experts on how environmental regulations have been changing under this administration for the last four years – and what happens after November. Bring your questions and leave with story ideas for your community.


Galapagos: Chinese Fishing Fleets and COVID-19 Threaten A Natural Wonder

"Just south of the Galapagos’ Marchena Island, there’s a dive spot known by locals as the “fish arena.” There, within the choppy, cool waters of the Pacific, thousands of colorful fish swim in schools, lobsters poke their long antennae out of rocky outcrops, dolphins bear their young and moray eels gape menacingly at visitors who swim too close."

Source: LA Times, 10/19/2020


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