
"Barrett's Climate Answers Raise Question: Is She A Denier?"

"Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett called climate change 'a contentious matter' and declined to acknowledge the existence of the scientifically established phenomenon during the third day of her confirmation hearing."

Source: E&E News, 10/15/2020

"Solar Expected To Dethrone Coal, Become ‘New King Of Electricity,’"

"In 2010, the International Energy Agency called coal “the backbone of global electricity generation” in its outlook for the next decade of worldwide energy markets. On Tuesday, the Paris-based intergovernmental organization said renewables would make up 80% of new power generation by 2030, overtaking the fossil fuels that presently dominate electricity production."

Source: HuffPost, 10/14/2020

"Minnesota Supreme Court Weighs Fate of PolyMet Mine Permits"

"Lawyers for the proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mine and state regulators urged the Minnesota Supreme Court on Tuesday to defer to the judgment of the state Department of Natural Resources and reinstate three critical permits for the project."

Source: AP, 10/14/2020

"Trump’s ‘Frack’ Attack on Biden Seems to Be Falling Short"

"During the Democratic presidential primaries, James T. Kunz, who leads the operating engineers union in Western Pennsylvania, worried the party would choose a nominee determined to cripple the natural gas industry that has boosted the livelihoods of thousands of fellow Pennsylvanians."

Source: NYTimes, 10/14/2020

Edwin B. Lake — 2020 Candidate for Active Seat


Hello Board Members and general membership.

My name is Edwin Lake and I would like to formally declare myself a candidate for a seat on the Board of Directors for the Society of Environmental Journalists.

I have been freelancing environmental and food stories, working primarily with the Food and Environment Reporting Network for the last two years. I have been a working journalist for over twenty years.



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