
Debate: Biden Says U.S. Needs To Move Off Oil To Tackle Climate Change

"President Trump and former vice president Joe Biden laid out starkly different visions Thursday night on whether the United States needs to transition away from fossil fuels to address climate change, in the lengthiest exchange two presidential candidates have ever had on the topic."

Source: Washington Post, 10/23/2020

Cat And Mouse On The High Seas: On The Trail Of China's Vast Squid Fleet

"Huge foreign fleets gather 400 miles off South America’s Pacific coast attracted by giant squid. Peru’s coastguard must defend its territorial waters amid rising tension"

"The ocean is as black as chipped obsidian, yet whichever way you look dozens of bright lights illuminate the water and the night sky. Nearly 400 nautical miles from the South American mainland, the crew of a Peruvian coastguard ship count more than 30 Chinese squid boats lighting up the sea like a city at night.

Source: Guardian, 10/22/2020

Greens Sue Over Study Of Deepwater Horizon Impacts On Endangered Species

"Conservation groups sued the Trump administration Wednesday, arguing it failed to fully consider the effects on endangered species when reviewing the environmental damage caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill."

Source: The Hill, 10/22/2020


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