
Radio Reporter Takes Listener on Journey in Covering Future of Western U.S.

Perpetual water scarcity issues in the Colorado River basin provide a bounty of stories for public radio journalist Luke Runyon, who shares insights into his beat coverage practices, in the latest Inside Story Q&A. The greatest challenges, surprises and lessons in reporting these critical stories, lauded in SEJ’s awards program, through the medium of sound.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 22, 2021 to March 26, 2021

Workshop: Fire in the Crown of the Continent

This virtual event, hosted by the Crown Managers Partnership in association with several agencies, organizations, Tribes and the Northern Rockies Fire Science Network, will feature a unique 4-hour session each day.

March 12, 2021

Workshop: Climate Journalism Collaborations

Join Climate Central and the Center for Cooperative Media at 1:00 p.m. ET for a discussion with journalism professionals on the benefits and risks of collaborating and explain its recent growth, with a special focus on climate change coverage. You’ll hear about best practices for designing projects, selecting partners and managing the work. Includes live Q&A.

September 17, 2021

DEADLINE: IJNR Ocean + Climate Workshop Series

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources' Ocean & Climate Workshop Series is designed to help journalists explore ocean issues that are underreported in popular media. Deadline for the final 2021 workshop, Gulf of Mexico on Oct 6-7, is Sep 17. Reporting stipends available.


"More Than 50 Companies Have Vowed To Be Carbon-Neutral By 2040"

"There is a quickening rhythm of corporations with big carbon footprints pledging action to combat climate change. And their cascade of splashy announcements spans the worlds of retailing, technology and delivery services. Yet even the prodigious voluntary steps by a portion of the corporate world so far lack the speed, scale or scientific know-how needed to move the thermometer of the warming planet in the right direction."

Source: Washington Post, 03/05/2021


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