
Biden Admin To Consider Carbon Border Tax As Part Of Trade Agenda: USTR

"The Biden administration said on Monday it would consider carbon border adjustment taxes to help cut greenhouse gas emissions in global trade and to combat China’s use of forced labor among Uighur Muslims in its western Xinjiang region."

Source: Reuters, 03/02/2021

Austin Had A Bold New Climate Plan – Until A Gas Company Got Involved

"When the city of Austin drafted a plan to shift away from fossil fuels, the local gas company was fast on the scene to try to scale back the ambition of the effort." "The fossil fuel industry is using the same playbook to fight city climate plans around the country".

Source: Floodlight, 03/02/2021

Texas PUC Chair Resigns After Criticism Over Management Of Power Outages

"The chairwoman of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, the agency that regulates the state’s electric, telecommunication, and water and sewer utilities, resigned Monday, according to a resignation letter provided to the Texas Tribune."

Source: Texas Tribune, 03/02/2021

Feds Withdraw Environmental Impact Statement, Delaying Oak Flat Land Swap

"The U.S. Forest Service has withdrawn the final environmental impact statement for a huge copper mine near Superior, temporarily halting a land swap that would have given the mine's owners title to a parcel deemed sacred by many Apaches and other Southwestern tribes."

Source: Arizona Republic, 03/02/2021

"More States Follow California's Lead On Vehicle Emissions Standards"

"An increasing number of states are looking to follow the precedent set by California and adopt stricter vehicle emissions standards as the Biden administration appears poised to green light those efforts."

Source: The Hill, 03/02/2021
March 18, 2021

SEJ Webinar: Let the Sunshine In! Will EPA Reopen Its Doors to the Press?

During Sunshine Week 2021, join us, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET, for a conversation with top officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on government transparency and media access. After brief introductions, we’ll jump right into Q&A. SEJ members only. Not a member? Join us (eligibility requirements apply).



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