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"Albuquerque Sees No Let Up In Pollen Despite Law"

"When you combine Albuquerque's few trees with the city's hot, dry and often windy weather, it could mean big problems for allergy sufferers. This despite a 1994 pollen-control ordinance that bars residents from planting certain types of trees."

Source: NPR, 04/21/2010

"Bolivian President Blames Capitalism for Global Warming"

"Bolivian President Evo Morales said capitalism is to blame for global warming and the accelerated deterioration of the planetary ecosystem in a speech today opening an international conference on climate change and the 'rights of Mother Earth.'"

Source: ENS, 04/21/2010

"Obama Admin Looks to Cast a Line With Anglers"

"The Obama administration is launching a significant new effort to reach out to marine recreational fishermen, an economically and politically powerful group that has previously felt shut out by the new administration."

Source: Greenwire, 04/21/2010

"Has Trust Leaked Away With the Tritium?"

"A panel of experts convened on Tuesday by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to discuss how the agency should approach tritium leaks at reactors suggested that the biggest risk that nuclear operators faced was the erosion of public trust."

Source: NYTimes, 04/21/2010

The Supreme Court Revisits NEPA: A Post-Argument Panel on Monsanto v. Geertson Farms

Immediately following oral argument before the Supreme Court on April 27, the Environmental Law Institute will gather attorneys involved in the case for a panel discussion about the argument, their impressions of how the Court will resolve the case, its political and legal context, and implications for the future use of injunctions in environmental cases.

"New Norovirus Linked to New Orleans Oyster Beds"

"A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed a new strain of norovirus, which has sickened dozens of people and forced the closure of several oyster harvest areas in the Louisiana area." Most of the beds have been reopened after tests proved them safe.

Source: ENS, 04/20/2010

"Fruit Growers Battle New Invasive Asian Fly"

"A tiny Asian fly that is new to North America is threatening much of the West Coast fruit industry and has been detected in Florida too, warn state and federal agricultural experts."

Source: ENS, 04/20/2010
