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"Junkyard Regulation Sets up Clash of Cultures"

"Meet Terry Carter, an affable man in grease-stained blue work clothes: Terry Carter, struggling businessman, recycler, host of last resort for your broken-down Subaru, your over-the-hill refrigerator, that old RV you can’t sell. Or is he Terry Carter, unlicensed junkyard operator, scofflaw, headache for town government and threat to the environment?"

Source: Burlington Free Press, 04/19/2010

"W.Va. Mine Disaster Calls Attention To Revolving Door"

"More than 200 former congressional staff members, federal regulators and lawmakers are employed by the mining industry as lobbyists, consultants or senior executives, including dozens who work for coal companies with the worst safety records in the nation, a Washington Post analysis shows."

Source: Wash Post, 04/19/2010

From Coal to Gas: Whether, When, How

A recent report from the Congressional Research Service indicates that underutilized natural gas plants have the potential to displace some coal plants. The author of the report joins an expert panel to look at the possibilities and questions raised by the idea of coal displacement. An Environmental Law Institute event.

"In Vermont, Nuke Power Faces a Test"

"Vermont Yankee is one of more than two dozen aging U.S. reactors that have leaked radioactive tritium from underground pipes. Its case has cast a pall on the revival of nuclear power and revived the anti-nuclear movement."

Source: USA TODAY, 04/16/2010
