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"Report: Ocean Acidification Rising at Unprecedented Rate"

"With the oceans absorbing more than 1 million tons of carbon dioxide an hour, a National Research Council study released Thursday found that the level of acid in the oceans is increasing at an unprecedented rate and threatening to change marine ecosystems."

Source: McClatchy, 04/23/2010

"Emissions Often Underestimated, EPA Standards Old"

"The nation's oil and chemical plants are spewing a lot more pollution than they report to the Environmental Protection Agency -- and the EPA knows it. But the federal agency has yet to adopt more accurate, higher-tech measuring methods that have been available for years."

Source: AP, 04/23/2010

"Fungal Disease Spreads Through Pacific Northwest"

"A rare and dangerous fungal infection named Cryptococcus gattii has been quietly spreading from British Columbia southward to the U.S. Pacific Northwest. And it's changing as it goes. ... The most striking thing about this fungus is that it's popping up and establishing itself far afield from its usual range -- possibly because of climate change."

Source: Vermont Public Radio, 04/23/2010
