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"Earth Day: No More Burning Rivers, But New Threats"

"Pollution before the first Earth Day was not only visible, it was in your face: Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River caught fire. ... The challenges to the planet today are largely invisible -- and therefore tougher to tackle."

Source: AP, 04/22/2010

Global Oceans Conference 2010

Focus will be on three main themes: 1) Ensuring Survival: Oceans, Climate and Security; 2) Preserving Life: Marine Biodiversity; and 3) Improving Governance at National and Regional Levels and in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.

Massey Mine Disaster Raises Openness Issues

Several journalists have raised questions about why more was not known publicly about the safety defects that led to the deaths of 29 miners at Massey's Upper Big Branch Mine in April 2010.
