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"Report: Most Americans Still Live in Unclean Air"

"Six in 10 Americans -- about 175 million people -- are living in places where air pollution often reaches dangerous levels, despite progress in reducing particle pollution, the American Lung Association said in a report released Wednesday."

Source: AP, 04/29/2010

Climate Skeptics Charged With Science Fraud, Error

"University of Newcastle researchers relied on 'spurious' results in claiming to debunk evidence that global warming is worsening Australia's droughts, a rival team of scientists contends in the latest battle of the climate wars."

Source: Australian, 04/29/2010

Boaters and Fishers Pay Taxes, Get Rewards

Dept. of Interior/US Fish and Wildlife Service awards $12 million for construction of docks, boat slips, and other recreational boating facilities at 13 locations in 10 states.

Several More States and Provinces Hit by Fatal Bat Disease

Bat losses can have major impacts on ecosystems, as they routinely consume large quantities of insects and themselves provide food and nutrients for other plants and animals. There also are economic impacts as caves close to recreational use, in an effort to combat the spread of the disease.

Mines in 21 States Outed for Habitual Safety Violations

The 48 mines are also linked by the fact that most of their owners have been legally delaying action on the violations through appeals of the citations. The Mine Safety and Health Administration is faced with a backlog of approximately 16,000 appeals.
