
"One in Five Milk Samples Nationwide Shows Genetic Traces of Bird Flu"

"Federal regulators have discovered fragments of bird flu virus in roughly 20 percent of retail milk samples tested in a nationally representative study, the Food and Drug Administration said in an online update on Thursday." "There is no evidence that the milk is unsafe to drink, scientists say. But the survey result strongly hints that the outbreak may be widespread."

Source: NYTimes, 04/26/2024

"New Government Heat Risk Tool Sets Magenta As Most Dangerous Level"

"The National Weather Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday — Earth Day — presented a new online heat risk system that combines meteorological and medical risk factors with a seven-day forecast that’s simplified and color-coded for a warming world of worsening heat waves."

Source: AP, 04/24/2024

Top Louisiana University Lets Oil Firms Influence Research – For A Price

"Louisiana State University allowed Shell to influence studies after a $25m donation and sought funds from other fossil fuel firms".

Source: Guardian/Lens, 04/23/2024

"Despite Official Vote, the Evidence of the Anthropocene Is Clear"

"When a governing body of the International Union of Geological Sciences voted down a proposal to name a new epoch in Earth’s history, it ignored conclusive evidence that for the first time, a single species — humans — has fundamentally altered the planet."

Source: YaleE360, 04/04/2024

"New Count Of Gray Whales Along West Coast Suggests Rebound"

"A new count of the gray whale population along the West Coast shows “signs of recovery” five years after hundreds of them washed ashore and the population began declining, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric [Administration]."

Source: Seattle Times, 04/02/2024


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