"Federal Watchdog Probes Trump Admin Push for Saudi Nuke Deal"
"In 2017 Team Trump worked to clinch a nuclear deal with Saudi Arabia—and an independent investigative agency wants to know what happened behind closed doors."
"In 2017 Team Trump worked to clinch a nuclear deal with Saudi Arabia—and an independent investigative agency wants to know what happened behind closed doors."
"Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) took aim at President Trump during a CNN town hall on Wednesday over Trump's claim that the noise from wind turbines causes cancer."
"More than 50 Democratic House members have signed a letter asking their colleagues in the upper chamber to oppose David Bernhardt’s nomination as secretary of the Interior Department."
"When a deadly rainstorm unloaded on Houston in 2016, Sharobin White’s apartment complex flooded in up to six feet of water. She sent her toddler and 6-year-old to safety on an air mattress, but her family lost nearly everything, including their car."
"As the Trump administration prepares to drastically weaken Obama-era rules restricting vehicle pollution, nervous automakers are devising a strategy to handle their worst-case scenario: a divided American auto market, with some states following President Trump’s weakened rules while others stick with the tougher ones."
"A “bomb cyclone” blizzard, the second in a month, hit the Rockies on Wednesday and spun into the U.S. Plains and Midwest, bringing fears of more flooding in areas still recovering from last month’s deluge."
"President Donald Trump’s support for shifting more power to states on Wednesday faded next to his affinity for oil and gas production, as he aimed to make it harder for states to block pipelines and other energy projects due to environmental concerns."
"Holding aloft a bottle of milky orange drinking water from his home state, Kentucky Democrat John Yarmuth reminded his House colleagues about the immediate action taken when lead contamination was found in Capitol Hill office buildings."
"Nicole Nason, the new head of the Federal Highway Administration, tried to delay EPA efforts to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from cars under President George W. Bush, according to three people familiar with the events."
"Two House Oversight and Reform panels met yesterday to discuss climate change, but they didn't do much overseeing."