National (U.S.)

NYC Embraced Congestion Pricing. Will Other Clogged Cities Follow?

"Major cities across the United States are facing increasingly clogged roads and have had frustratingly little success in dealing with them. But now that New York has adopted congestion pricing in Manhattan, the rest of the country is far more likely to seriously consider embracing such a policy — even though it was once considered politically toxic, according to municipal officials and transportation analysts."

Source: NY Times, 04/03/2019

NRC Were Unaware Of Transfer Of Sensitive Technical Information To Saudi

"When the Trump administration on seven occasions authorized companies to share sensitive nuclear energy information with Saudi Arabia, it was supposed to consult with several agencies, including the independent Nuclear Regulatory Commission."

Source: Washington Post, 04/03/2019

Study To Determine If Red Wolves Are Wolves Could Have Doomed Them

"Over the federal government’s 30-year effort to revive endangered red wolves in North Carolina, there have been many attempts by opponents to get rid of them. But to argue that the wolves engaged in so much sex with coyotes that the two species somehow became one? That was a novel approach."

Source: Washington Post, 04/03/2019

Interior Watchdog Reviewing Allegations Of Bernhardt Ethics Violations

"The Interior Department’s Office of Inspector General is reviewing allegations that acting secretary David Bernhardt may have violated his ethics pledge by weighing in on issues affecting a former client, the office confirmed Tuesday."

Source: Washington Post, 04/03/2019

“Bombs Away: Militarization, Conservation, and Ecological Restoration”

Does the military use ecological restoration as a means to “green” over the complex relationship between nature and culture, undermining the impacts of history and warfare? Our latest BookShelf review of the new volume, “Bombs Away: Militarization, Conservation, and Ecological Restoration,” explores one author’s argument that it does.

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Want Pesticides With That Kale?

Seemingly healthy foods might not be as healthy as consumers believe. A new list tracking pesticide residue tells a different story, explains this week’s SEJournal TipSheet. Find out what iconic health food is on the “Dirty Dozen” list and which healthy standby makes the “Clean Fifteen.” Plus, the backstory, why pesticide residue matters and resources to report on the issue.

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