National (U.S.)

From Bridges To Air, EPA Scientists Price Out Cost Of Climate Change

"By the end of the century, the manifold consequences of unchecked climate change will cost the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars per year, according to a new study by scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency."

Source: LA Times, 04/10/2019

"Trump Said to Seek Limit on State Power Over Pipelines"

"Developers have been trying for six years to build a 124-mile natural gas pipeline from Pennsylvania to New York. Despite winning a federal approval in 2014, the project is still no closer to reality. Enter President Donald Trump, who on Wednesday is poised to issue two executive orders to promote energy infrastructure, including projects like the long-stalled Constitution Pipeline, according to an administration official."

Source: Bloomberg, 04/10/2019

Styrofoam Facts — Why You May Want To Bring Your Own Cup

What makes styrofoam good — like its insulating, shock-absorbing qualities that make it suitable for hot coffee cups, coolers, helmets and packing material — is also what makes it bad … for the environment, that is. This month’s Backgrounder looks at the technical and environmental aspects of this long-troubling plastic pollution source.

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Styrofoam Container Bans May Be Trending

The first state ban on styrofoam food containers makes this a good time to see how things stand with styrofoam in your area, as the controversial plastic draws negative attention for overflowing landfills, causing litter and polluting waters. More, plus story ideas and reporting resources, in this week’s TipSheet.

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Trump Gutted Green Rules But Plans to Run on His Environmental Record

"Donald Trump is preparing a novel campaign strategy for a president who’s pulling the U.S. from the international Paris accord on climate change, cheer-leading for coal, one of the dirtiest source of power, and suggesting that wind turbines cause cancer. He’s going to tout his environmental credentials."

Source: Bloomberg, 04/09/2019

As White House Questions Climate Change, US Military Is Planning For It

"In February, the White House devised a plan to challenge the scientific consensus that the burning of fossil fuels is a main driver of climate change and poses increasingly serious economic and health threats to the United States and the world. But so far, the rest of the federal government hasn’t helped the Trump administration in its quest."

Source: Washington Post, 04/09/2019


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