National (U.S.)

US Group Forms To Defend Natural Gas Against Anti-Fossil Fuel Measures

"A group backed by anonymous donors launched a campaign on Monday to promote the benefits of cheap, abundant natural gas against what it called “radical” proposals like the Green New Deal that would phase out use of the fossil fuel."

Source: Reuters, 10/01/2019

"Interior: Bernhardt Extends Pendley's Run As Acting BLM Chief"

"Interior Secretary David Bernhardt signed a secretarial order today keeping William Perry Pendley at the helm of the Bureau of Land Management for an additional four months and appointing two others to unfilled positions at the Interior Department."

Source: Greenwire, 10/01/2019

Bernhardt Wants to Enlarge a Dam That Would Benefit Old Lobbying Client

"For years, the Interior Department resisted proposals to raise the height of its towering Shasta Dam in Northern California. The department’s own scientists and researchers concluded that doing so would endanger rare plants and animals in the area, as well as the bald eagle, and devastate the West Coast’s salmon industry downstream."

Source: NY Times, 09/30/2019

Southern State Energy Officials Celebrate Fossil Fuels Despite Climate

"LOUISVILLE, Kentucky — The contrast could not have been greater between the political and economic conversations at the Southern States Energy Board meeting here Tuesday and Wednesday and the global chorus of urgent calls for action on climate change at the United Nations in New York."

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/27/2019


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