Proposed Trump Rule Aims To Ease Restrictions On Mineral Mining Companies
"The Trump administration is proposing a rule to make it easier for mineral mining companies to lower their royalty rates and cut fees."
"The Trump administration is proposing a rule to make it easier for mineral mining companies to lower their royalty rates and cut fees."
"A top Interior Department official reportedly denied the existence of climate change and compared undocumented immigrants to 'cancer.'"
"An advisory committee that provided input on bettering smart grids in the U.S. is the latest casualty of President Trump’s executive order to cut federal advisory boards by a third."
"The Interior Department failed to analyze the cumulative impact that new fossil fuel exploration on a million acres of federally managed land in Colorado will have on the climate, the Center for Biological Diversity said in an Oct. 8 lawsuit."
"Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is taking on climate justice in her newest campaign proposal. On Wednesday, the 2020 hopeful released a plan to combat climate change by centering the experiences of people of color."
"Partially inspired by the Flint, Michigan, water crisis, the Environmental Protection Agency announced a new rule to reduce exposure to lead from drinking water around the country on Thursday."
"Up and down the mid-Atlantic coast, sea levels are rising rapidly, creating stands of dead trees — often bleached, sometimes blackened — known as ghost forests."
"Twenty-two large investors in General Motors Co. are urging the company to join an agreement with California to improve fuel efficiency."
"The Trump administration’s effort to cut red tape and speed up major energy projects has backfired in the case of the three biggest U.S. pipelines now planned or under construction."
"When Michaelyn Mankel approached Joseph R. Biden Jr. at an Iowa steak fry last month to demand dramatic action on climate change, the former vice president clasped the 24-year-old’s hands and assured her, “You’ve got a better deal from me than anybody.”"