National (U.S.)

"EPA: Wheeler Signals Retreat From 'Secret Science' Rule"

"EPA is dropping plans to issue a final version this year of its divisive plan to limit the agency's use of scientific studies in crafting major new regulations, Administrator Andrew Wheeler indicated at a congressional hearing this morning [Thursday]."

Source: Greenwire, 09/20/2019

Slimy Lakes, Dead Dogs: Climate Crisis Has Brought Season Of Toxic Algae

"From New York City to coastal California, a poison-producing living slime is overtaking waterways and shorelines, killing pets, ravaging tourism markets and making its way into local drinking water. So far this year, algae has been implicated in dog deaths and illness in California, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. In August, toxic algae overtook Lake Erie, growing to 620 square miles."

Source: Guardian, 09/19/2019

"Trump and California Go To War Over Clean Cars"

"U.S. President Donald Trump and the state of California went to war on Wednesday over who should set the standards in the United States for vehicle emissions and electric cars, foreshadowing a legal battle over environmental policy issues that will affect the auto industry and consumers."

Source: Reuters, 09/19/2019


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