National (U.S.)

New Trump DOI Plan Could Boost Oil Drilling On Remote Alaska Reserve

"The Trump administration announced a plan Thursday that could allow oil drilling on over three-quarters of the nation’s largest piece of unprotected wilderness, overhauling a 2013 plan that limited development on the Alaskan reserve."

Source: Washington Post, 11/22/2019

Trump EPA Scales Back Safety Rules Adopted After Deadly Chemical Blast

"The Environmental Protection Agency weakened a rule Thursday governing how companies store dangerous chemicals. The standards were enacted under President Barack Obama in the wake of a 2013 explosion in West, Tex., that killed 15 people, including 12 first responders."

Source: Washington Post, 11/22/2019

"‘Dark Waters’ Faces Inconvenient Truth of Environmental Activism"

"Actor-producer Mark Ruffalo is ... trying to translate film into political activism with Friday’s theatrical release of his Dark Waters, based on lawyer Rob Bilott’s years-long fight to hold DuPont Co. accountable for chemical contamination that a West Virginia farmer believed was killing his cattle."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/21/2019

"Sondland: Rick Perry 'In The Loop' On Ukraine 'Quid Pro Quo'"

"Energy Secretary Rick Perry was linked far more closely this morning [Wednesday] to a push for an investigation connecting Ukraine energy giant Burisma Holdings Ltd. and the Biden family that had been sought by President Trump and is central to the ongoing impeachment inquiry."

Source: Greenwire, 11/21/2019


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