National (U.S.)

‘Red List’ Is Among Top Data Resources on Threatened Species

When it comes to rare species, good news can be equally rare. But that makes their stories all the more compelling to tell. And that’s why our latest Reporter’s Toolbox details a leading database, soon to be updated, called Red List. Plus, other species databases for reporters.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Oakland’s War Over a Coal Export Terminal Plays Out in Court"

"The export war between Western coal-producing states that want their coal to reach new markets and Pacific Coast states that don't want the pollution or climate consequences of shipping it played out in a federal appeals court on Tuesday. This time, the fight was over land near the Port of Oakland, California."

Source: InsideClimate News, 11/19/2019

"Many Native Americans Can't Get Clean Water, Report Finds"

"For many people, turning on the tap or flushing the toilet is something we take for granted. But a report released Monday, called "Closing the Water Access Gap in the United States," shows that more than 2 million Americans live without these conveniences and that Native Americans are more likely to have trouble accessing water than any other group."

Source: NPR, 11/19/2019

"EPA Delays Advisers' Review Of 'Secret Science' Rules"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has repeatedly rescheduled and delayed a meeting of an advisory board slated to review a controversial proposal that would block the agency from considering studies that don’t make their underlying data public. ... Critics suspect the delays are a stall tactic allowing the agency to finalize the rule without the public hearing criticism leveled by its own internal board."

Source: The Hill, 11/19/2019

"EPA: Wheeler Devised Attacks On Calif. Years Ago With Inhofe"

"President Trump isn't the first boss Andrew Wheeler has helped battle California on the environment. More than a decade before he would lead this autumn's siege against California's regulatory authorities, Wheeler helped Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) score political points against the Golden State on the same set of issues."

Source: ClimateWire, 11/19/2019

Calif. to Stop Buying From Automakers That Backed Trump on Emissions

"California’s government has hit back at automakers that sided with President Trump over the state on fuel efficiency standards, saying Sacramento will halt all purchases of new vehicles from General Motors, Toyota, Fiat Chrysler and other automakers that backed stripping California of its authority to regulate tailpipe emissions."

Source: NY Times, 11/19/2019


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