National (U.S.)

Soiled Skies Incite ‘Choked’ Author To Pursue Air Pollution Story 

The data on dirty air is devastating. But it wasn’t just the numbers that prompted freelance journalist Beth Gardiner to chase the story of worsening air pollution around the globe. It was also the impact on human lives and the intersection with politics, power and money. She explains in our latest feature story. Plus, resources for your own reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Data Sources a Jumping-Off Point for Radon Stories

If radon is the forgotten environmental health story, per our recent TipSheet, then at least journalists ready to report have some good resources to do it. Our latest Reporter’s Toolbox details several databases that provide invaluable info on the problem, including a new comprehensive, and mappable, database from the Centers for Disease Control.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"EV Chargers At Rest Stops? Not So Fast, Say The Feds"

"In 2016, California's Department of Transportation settled on what seemed like a no-brainer way to reduce emissions and make it easier to use electric vehicles. It would establish fast-charging stations at 30 highway rest stops and other sites it operates around the state. That, it turns out, is harder to do than it seems."

Source: EnergyWire, 12/02/2019


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