"People: EPA Chief of Staff Ryan Jackson Heads For The Exit"
"Ryan Jackson, one of the Trump EPA's most powerful players behind the scenes, is joining a prominent mining trade group."
"Ryan Jackson, one of the Trump EPA's most powerful players behind the scenes, is joining a prominent mining trade group."
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has re-approved a chemical used in Bayer's Roundup weed killer despite concerns over its health risks."
"Environmental groups and women from Alaska and Louisiana are asking a federal court to make the Environmental Protection Agency set new rules for use of oil spill dispersants, citing worries about the chemicals’ health and environmental effects."
"Environmental groups said on Thursday they planned to sue the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for failing to regulate aircraft emissions after a 2016 agency determination that those emissions pose a danger to public health."
"CORNING, Iowa — A fight over how to fuel Americans' cars is beginning to wear on Ray Gaesser. Gaesser farms 5,500 acres of corn and soybeans in Adams County, where cornfields stretch to the horizon and one of the biggest employers is a corn-to-ethanol plant."
"The EPA announced Thursday it supports the continued use and registration of neonicotinoids, a class of insecticides linked to declines in bees, aquatic insects and birds."
"The White House issued a notice today seeking input on efforts to "reform enforcement" — a potential boon for the energy industry."
"The Interior Department plans to cement into regulation its 2017 opinion that the accidental killing of migratory birds isn’t a criminal act—a reversal of prior federal policy that prosecuted unintentional bird killings as a misdemeanor, Interior officials said Thursday."
SEJ has protested Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's retaliation against, and abuse of, National Public Radio and its reporters. SEJ President Meera Subramanian signed the January 30 letter.
"The Land and Water Conservation Fund has provided critical dollars over the years to help mitigate the ravages of extreme weather and sea-level rise, according to a new nonprofit report."