National (U.S.)

"Natural Gas Pipeline, Iconic Trail at Odds in Supreme Court Case"

"Lynn Cameron inspected the layers of mountain ridges from an overlook on the Appalachian Trail, and imagined how the scenery might change. Her gloved hand drew an imaginary line across the distant landscape to show the proposed path of the Atlantic Coast natural gas pipeline."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/10/2020

DOJ Drops Antitrust Probe Against Automakers That Sided With California

"The Justice Department has dropped its antitrust inquiry into four automakers that had sided with California in its dispute with the Trump administration over reducing climate-warming vehicle pollution, deciding that the companies had violated no laws, according to people familiar with the matter."

Source: NY Times, 02/10/2020

Reporting the Financial Risks of Climate Change

With the negative impacts of climate change becoming clearer by the day, there is a growing awareness among important financial institutions that global warming confronts businesses with large, even catastrophic, economic losses. The latest TipSheet has the backstory on the financial risks of climate change, plus what’s ahead and how to cover it, with story ideas and reporting resources.

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The Emerald Corridor — Impacts, Fixes and Rethinking Everything

As the Pacific Northwest faces serious impacts from climate change, and moves to respond, the Society of Environmental Journalists provides a special in-depth report on how journalists can tell the unfolding story. “Covering Your Climate: The Emerald Corridor” launches Feb. 11 with an extensive issue backgrounder, which will be followed by tipsheets and a toolbox over the next few weeks. We hope this is the first in a series of regional climate special reports, and we welcome your suggestions and ideas for future editions of "Covering Your Climate."

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Trump Backs Off Support For Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Site"

"The White House said Thursday that President Trump's budget request for 2021 will not include funding for a controversial nuclear waste repository in Nevada, marking a reversal of the administration's stance from the previous three years."

Source: The Hill, 02/07/2020

BLM Brass Expanded Oil Drilling In Colo. Over Local Staff Objections

"The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Washington office ignored the advice of its Colorado staff, deciding to expand oil and gas drilling in the southwest corner of the state because earlier plans were “not in line with the administration’s direction to decrease regulatory burden and increase access.”"

Source: The Hill, 02/07/2020


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