National (U.S.)

Flying the Coop: Antibiotic Resistance Spreads To Birds, Wildlife

"One afternoon last winter, Julie Ellis unfurled a long, white tarp under a stand of trees near Coes Pond where hundreds of crows roost. Her mission: to collect as much bird poop as possible. Back in the laboratory, Ellis’ colleagues combed through the feces. Testing its bacteria, they discovered something unusual -- genes that make the crows resistant to antibiotics."

Source: EHN, 11/05/2013

"Virginia Governor Race Draws Big Spending From Environmental Groups"

"WASHINGTON -- Environmentalists are poised to become the second-biggest contributor to the effort to elect Democrat Terry McAuliffe as the next governor of Virginia, trailing only the Democratic Governors Association in spending on his campaign."

Source: Huffington Post, 11/05/2013

"GMO Labeling a Hot Ballot Fight in Washington State"

"OLYMPIA, Washington -- With one day before the election in Washington State, grassroots organization Food Democracy Now! is urging its 650,000 members and citizens everywhere to make calls urging voters to support Yes on 522, a ballot initiative that would require labeling of foods containing genetically modified organisms."

Source: ENS, 11/05/2013

Poll: Just 13 Percent Of Non-Tea Party Republicans Doubt Climate Change

"Tea Party Republicans succeeded in grinding the federal government to a halt, and they are the biggest holdouts in the face of overwhelming evidence that climate change is happening. Mainstream Republicans, however, are much less likely to reject the fact that the planet is getting hotter."

Source: Climate Progress, 11/04/2013

"Heat, Drought Draw Farmers Back To Sorghum, The 'Camel Of Crops'"

"Much of the world is turning hotter and dryer these days, and it's opening new doors for a water-saving cereal that's been called 'the camel of crops': sorghum. In an odd twist, this old-fashioned crop even seems to be catching on among consumers who are looking for 'ancient grains' that have been relatively untouched by modern agriculture."

Source: NPR, 11/01/2013


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