"Obama Issues Order To Combat Climate Change"

"President Barack Obama issued a series of steps Friday to help the nation combat global warming, an issue that may reignite partisan battle lines in Washington."

"Obama signed an executive order directing agencies to help make it easier for states and localities to fight storms, droughts and heatwaves, creating a task force to advise the government and requiring better coordination on the federal level.

The task force is comprimised of eight governors, 16 local officials and two tribal representatives. Seven of the governors are Democrats. The only Republican is the governor of the terrority of Guam. It's task is to identify hurdles in federal policy preventing localities from doing their jobs."

Anita Kumar reports for McClatchy November 1, 2013.


"New Obama Order Aims To Prepare Communities for Severe Weather" (Reuters)

"Obama Creates Interagency Council and Task Force on Climate" (ENS)

"Obama Launches Adaptation Task Force, Orders Agencies To Bolster Planning" (Greenwire)

Source: McClatchy, 11/04/2013