National (U.S.)

Enviros Name "Dirty Dozen" Hormone Disrupting Chemicals Needing Limits

"Bisphenol A has gotten a much higher profile in recent years, as the 'BPA-free' label adorns an increasing number of water bottles and baby products. News headlines regularly hint at possible connections between BPA and a lengthening list of health problems. But the ingredient is still common in plastics, food can liners -- and in our bodies."

Source: Huffington Post, 10/29/2013

"Leaked Docs Reveal Secret Finances of a Pro-Industry Science Group"

Attacking the science behind environmental health and safety rules has long been an industry tactic. The American Council on Science and Health, a leader of the charge, has for years claimed that it is not an industry shill but an independent science organization. But it doesn't disclose its funders. Now documents reveal most of its funding comes from industries who stand to profit from its claims.

Source: Mother Jones, 10/29/2013

Op-Ed: "Is Glenn Greenwald the Future of News?"

Former New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller engages Glenn Greenwald, who broke the story of National Security Agency spying on Americans, in a dialogue about the proper role of news media. Are traditional media like the Times too solicitous of government? Or are journalists like Greenwald -- who will be at the center of Pierre Amidyar's new $250-million digital-first news venture -- too activist?

Source: NY Times, 10/28/2013

"EPA Study Could Be Used To Expand Reach of Law Over Waters"

"Federal regulators may be able to assert Clean Water Act jurisdiction over more waters and wetlands than are now protected on the basis of a draft scientific study that links all streams and certain wetlands with larger, downstream navigable waters, attorneys and policy analysts say."

Source: Bloomberg BNA, 10/28/2013


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