
Grants Uncover Downside of Wood Stoves, Water Subsidy Impacts

When a young Ohio-based journalist found her interest piqued by the environmental impacts of wood-burning stoves, she turned — for a second time — to the Fund for Environmental Journalism. Her grant helped her dig deeper and, ultimately, produce a report for Undark. Reporter Diana Kruzman shares her experience with both FEJ-funded projects, along with advice for other grant seekers, in the new StoryLog.

SEJ Publication Types: 

WTO Deal on Fishing Subsidies May Reduce Ocean Overfishing

A new World Trade Organization agreement to limit global overfishing may yield important stories for environmental journalists, as billions of people around the world rely on already heavily exploited fish stocks as their main source of protein. This Backgrounder offers details on the pact and how it tries to address the problem, while providing resources for your reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Covering Sharks in Shark Week's Wake — You're Gonna Need a Bigger Meme

Despite how it looks on annual summer “shark attack”-style TV programming, the danger sharks represent to humans is dwarfed by the danger we represent to sharks. The latest TipSheet explores how mass media can distort the reality behind sharks and miss the point of their ecological value — and sheer wonder. Get ideas to better report the real story behind sharks. 

SEJ Publication Types: 

Can Qatar’s World Cup Really Be Carbon Neutral?

Qatar — the world’s highest carbon emitter on a per capita basis — made big promises in its winning bid for the 2022 FIFA World Cup. But will they deliver? Doha-based journalism professor Craig LaMay writes that while sports megaevent hosts face increasing pressure to address environmental concerns, critical coverage of their follow-through is challenging, especially in countries with no free press or public right to government information.

SEJ Publication Types: 

#SEJSpotlight: Jordan Gass-Pooré, Freelance Journalist and Podcast Producer

Meet SEJ member Jordan Gass-Pooré! Jordan is an award-winning podcast producer and investigative journalist with more than a decade of journalism experience. Presently, she is the creator, producer and host of "Hazard NJ," a limited-series podcast about the impacts of climate change on hazardous Superfund sites in New Jersey.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Explainer: Smoke From Raging Wildfires Can Harm Health"

"Wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity in many countries, spreading smoke that contains noxious gases, chemicals and particulate matter and carries serious health risks. More toxic than air pollution, wildfire smoke can linger in the air for weeks and travel hundreds of miles."

Source: Reuters, 07/22/2022

"Report: Brazil Authorities Pay No Mind To Deforestation"

"Environmental criminals in the Brazilian Amazon destroyed public rainforests equal the size of El Salvador over the past six years, yet the Federal Police — the Brazilian version of the FBI — carried out only seven operations aimed at this massive loss, according to a new study."

Source: AP, 07/22/2022


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