
Tainted Water in Town Near Green Bay Remains a Mystery

"CHASE, Wisc. -- Federal environmental regulators have joined an investigation into drinking water supplies tainted by elevated levels of a chemical used to make plastic products.

The problem in this Oconto County community first was detected last year at Sunnyside Elementary School and prompted school authorities to begin supplying bottled water to students, teachers and staff.

But tests this summer showed that the same contaminant was turning up in private homeowner wells, leading investigators to question whether the situation was more widespread.

Source: Green Bay Press-Gazette, 11/07/2011

"G-20 Leaders Endorse Green Climate Fund, Marine Protection"

"CANNES, France -- The leaders of the G-20 group of major economies wrapped up their two-day annual meeting on Friday with promises to finance the fight against climate change through the Green Climate Fund, protect the marine environment from oil spills, and promote low-carbon development strategies.

In their joint Communique, the government leaders said, 'We are committed to promote sustainable development and green growth and to continue our efforts to face the challenge of climate change.'

Source: ENS, 11/07/2011

"Solyndra Subpoena Rejected By Obama Administration"

"The White House Counsel's Office has formally rejected a congressional subpoena of documents relating to the $535 million loan guarantee that the administration shepherded for Solyndra, the now-defunct solar energy company.

In a letter to the chairs of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, Kathryn H. Ruemmler, counsel to the president, calls the request for documents made by House Republicans a 'vast fishing expedition' and a 'significant intrusion on Executive Branch interests.'"

Source: Huffington Post, 11/07/2011

Accounts Differ as Car Strikes 3 DC Anti-Koch Protestors

A car struck three "Occupy DC" protestors blocking traffic outside an event at the DC Convention Center, where two GOP presidential candidates were honoring the anti-environmental Koch brothers. The protestors were ticketed for blocking traffic and sent to the emergency room, while the driver who struck them was not charged. Accounts of the incident differed. Protestors said the driver sped up to plow through two different sets of protestors. Police said that the protestors jumped in front of a moving car and that they released the driver because he had a green light when he hit them.

Source: Wash Post, 11/07/2011

Protesters Circle White House in Keystone XL Oil Pipeline Protest

"Thousands of protesters opposed to a new oil pipeline from Canada to the United States circled the White House grounds on Sunday to press President Barack Obama to reject the project for environmental reasons.

Opponents to TransCanada Corp's Keystone XL pipeline, which would transport crude produced from oil sands, have dogged the president for months, arguing that the carbon emissions produced in the process of extracting oil from the sands would exacerbate climate change.

Source: Reuters, 11/07/2011

"Stink Ants Invade Maui, Establish Megacolonies"

"WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana -- An ant species common to the mainland United States that is known for its tropical smell has invaded Hawaii for the first time. A population of odorous house ants, Tapinoma sessile, has been found at an upland site on the island of Maui. Also called stink ant, and coconut ant, these ants got their names because they invade houses and smell like coconut when smashed."

Source: ENS, 11/04/2011


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