
Corps Puts Searchable National Levee Database Online

Levees have huge environmental and human impacts, but are often neglected by news media until disaster strikes. The NLD should make reporting both routine and crisis stories a lot easier. The bad news is that after several years of work by the Corps, only a small fraction of all the levees in the US have been entered into the database.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Feds Glossed Over Cancer Concerns in Rush for Airport X-Ray Scanners

"Today, the United States has begun marching millions of airline passengers through the X-ray body scanners, parting ways with countries in Europe and elsewhere that have concluded that such widespread use of even low-level radiation poses an unacceptable health risk. The government is rolling out the X-ray scanners despite having a safer alternative that the Transportation Security Administration says is also highly effective."

Source: ProPublica, 11/02/2011

"Bluff Collapse at Power Plant Sends Dirt, Coal Ash Into Lake"

"Oak Creek - A large section of bluff collapsed Monday next to the We Energies Oak Creek Power Plant, sending dirt, coal ash and mud cascading into the shoreline next to Lake Michigan and dumping a pickup truck, dredging equipment, soil and other debris into the lake."

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11/02/2011

Anti-XL Activists To 'Encircle' White House on Nov 6: Robert Redford

"Hollywood legend Robert Redford has starred in his second anti-Keystone video in less than two weeks. And this time he is advocating encircling (not occupying) the White House on November 6 to show President Barack Obama the 'people's' opposition to TransCanada's $7-billion pipeline.

Source: Financial Post, 11/02/2011

"Occupy Wall Street Shows Its Greener Side in Weekend Shout Fest"

"NEW YORK -- Environmental activists spent the weekend here trying to push their issues to the forefront of the Occupy Wall Street movement, staging mini-protests in the shadow of the World Trade Center on everything from relicensing the Indian Point nuclear power plant to hydraulic fracturing to global water scarcity.

The protests were the result of three weeks of planning by an Occupy splinter group that wants to use the broader movement's momentum to bring attention to energy-sector profits and what the activists view as widespread greed within associated industries."

Source: Greenwire, 11/02/2011

"Ammonia Leak at Calif. Nuke Plant Prompts Alert"

"IRVINE, Calif. -- A non-radioactive ammonia leak at a Southern California nuclear plant prompted an emergency alert and precautionary evacuation of nearby workers before it was contained Tuesday, authorities said.

Workers stopped the leak by 5 p.m., about two hours after it was detected in a storage tank in the water purification system of Unit 3 at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, said Todd Adler, the plant's engineering manager.

Source: AP, 11/02/2011


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