
"Obama To Send Budget Proposal To Hill Today"

President Obama will send his budget request for fiscal 2013 to Congress today. It is expected to fund the clean energy programs he mentioned in his State of the Union speech. But Congress, which actually appropriates the money, will have the last word. Republicans want to cut many environmental and clean-energy programs drastically. After agency-specific budget briefings today, some agency heads will explain the budget requests to Congressional committees later in the week.

Source: SEJ, 02/13/2012
March 12, 2012 to March 17, 2012

6th World Water Forum

Taking place in Marseille, France, the Forum aims to generate concrete solutions to issues of access to water and sanitation, in particular through the launch of an online solutions platform.

Topics on the Beat: 
February 12, 2025

DEADLINE: AAJA Journalism Excellence Awards

The Asian American Journalists Association is accepting nominations for the 2025 Journalism Excellence Awards until Feb 12.  Established in 1987, the awards recognize and encourage excellence among journalists and outstanding coverage of Asian American and Pacific Islander issues by AAJA members.

Topics on the Beat: 
March 19, 2012

Interfaith Climate and Energy Conference in Jerusalem

The Conference features world and Israel-based religious leaders speaking out on the ethical imperative and religious basis for action on climate change and use of renewable energy. Interactive, action-oriented workshops follow the main plenary session.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Religious Right Bashes Green Evangelicals for Supporting EPA Rules"

"Religious-right leaders are slamming a green evangelical group for casting support for Environmental Protection Agency rules to cut power plant mercury emissions as a 'pro-life' position." (EPA says the new standards "will avert up to 11,000 premature deaths, 4,700 heart attacks and 130,000 asthma attacks every year.")

Source: E2 Wire, 02/10/2012

"Air Sampling Reveals High Emissions From Gas Field"

"When US government scientists began sampling the air from a tower north of Denver, Colorado, they expected urban smog — but not strong whiffs of what looked like natural gas. They eventually linked the mysterious pollution to a nearby natural-gas field, and their investigation has now produced the first hard evidence that the cleanest-burning fossil fuel might not be much better than coal when it comes to climate change."

Source: Nature, 02/10/2012

Link Seen Between Ubiquitous Cadmium & Kids With Learning Disabilities

"It's a heavy metal. It's linked to learning problems in school children. And every child is exposed. Sounds like lead? It's cadmium. Signs are emerging that cadmium – a widespread contaminant that gets little attention from health experts and regulators – could be the new lead. Children with higher cadmium levels are three times more likely to have learning disabilities and participate in special education, according to new research."

Source: EHN, 02/10/2012


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