
Maryland: "Deadly Virus Hits Turtles, Tadpoles in Montgomery County"

"Maryland biologists study­ing box turtles rescued from the bulldozers on the Intercounty Connector construction site have made a grisly find: An alarming number of the tiny turtles later died, and biologists say their demise appears to be unrelated to the highway."

Source: Wash Post, 02/14/2012

With Tips From Whistle-Blowers, More Hands on Deck in Pollution Cases

"Seafaring whistle-blowers, frequently seeking a financial bounty, have become one of prosecutors’ most potent weapons against maritime polluters, providing the backbone for a growing number of cases the federal government has pursued in Baltimore and other port cities across the country."

Source: NY Times, 02/14/2012

"Activists Assault New Keystone XL Pipeline Bill"

"With the U.S. Senate poised to begin debate on a bill that would greenlight the controversial Keystone XL pipeline as early as Tuesday, activists and other citizens have barraged the Senate with more than 350,000 petitions opposing the legislation in less than five hours. [Ed. Note: the count surpassed 500,000 a few hours later.]"

Source: LA Times, 02/14/2012


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