
SEJ Laments Loss of Canadian Journalist Peter Gorrie

The world has lost Peter Gorrie, Canadian journalist of renown, who died January 4, 2021 after a long bout with cancer. He was a kind and gentle soul who spoke thoughtfully and deliberately. A journalist who reported heavily on cleaner cars later in his career, but cycled to pub nights and other events! Deeply knowledgeable, yet unpretentious. Peter generously shared his expertise and contacts with new environmental journalists and old hands alike.


Interior Finalizes Plan To Open 80 Percent of NPRA To Drilling"

"The Trump administration on Monday finalized plans to open more than 80 percent of Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve (NPRA) to oil drilling, pushing ahead over objections from environmentalists who have already challenged the plans in court."

Source: The Hill, 01/05/2021

"Trump To Approve Land Swap For Rio Tinto's Resolution Copper Project"

"U.S. President Donald Trump’s outgoing administration plans to approve a controversial land swap needed for Rio Tinto Ltd and partners to build an Arizona copper mining project that Native American tribes say will destroy sites of cultural and religious value."

Source: Reuters, 01/05/2021

Is Wireless Technology an Environmental Health Risk?

As COVID-19 lockdowns push more people online and 5G technology continues its rapid expansion, should the question of whether electromagnetic radiation causes health and environmental injury be raised anew? Yes, argues an award-winning freelancer who herself suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity, and who musters suggestive scientific and medical research to make the case. Plus, sidebars on 5G and on taking personal precautions.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Chemicals: EPA Finds Possible Carcinogen Poses No Harm To Public"

"EPA marked the last day of 2020 with a controversial announcement, finding few unreasonable risks associated with a common chemical solvent classified as a likely carcinogen. In its final risk evaluation for 1,4-dioxane, EPA determined no unreasonable risks exist for the environment, consumers and bystanders, or the general population."

Source: E&E News, 01/05/2021


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