
Multiple Tribes Protest Drilling Of 5,000 Oil And Gas Wells In Wyoming

"A landmark decision delivered by the Trump administration late last month gives five oil and gas companies the green light to forge ahead in drilling 5,000 wells over the next decade in northeastern Wyoming. Though cheered by state officials and industry groups, leaders of several tribal nations with enduring ties to the land remain concerned the development will compromise air and water quality, violate existing treaty rights and destroy cultural resources."

Source: Casper Star-Tribune, 01/08/2021

US Sets Covid-19 Death Record As Scientists Point To Asymptomatic Spread

"As the United States marked another grim milestone Thursday with more than 4,000 covid-19 deaths reported in a single day, federal disease trackers said research suggests that people without symptoms transmit more than half of all cases of the novel coronavirus."

Source: Washington Post, 01/08/2021

"A New Study on Regenerative Grazing Complicates Climate Optimism"

"At White Oak Pastures, an eastern Georgia-based sixth-generation farm, Will Harris “went rogue” and began to transition away from industrial cattle ranching 25 years ago. Since then, Harris has been rotating organic cattle, chickens, and pigs on 3,000 acres of pasture in an effort to improve land degraded by years of conventional cotton and peanut production."

Source: Civil Eats, 01/07/2021


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