Search results

"Indian Heatwaves Threaten Maternal And Baby Health"

"Soaring temperatures can lead to more preterm and stillbirths. But experts say awareness of the risk of heat during pregnancy is low, with more research needed into impacts on the world's most vulnerable women."

Source: DW, 06/02/2022

"UN Chief Worries Ukraine War Overshadowing Climate Fight"

"U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday warned that the Ukraine war is diverting attention away from climate change, while at the same time showcasing the world’s “suicidal” dependence on fossil fuels."

Source: AP, 06/02/2022

"Too Many Pinks in the Pacific"

"Evidence is mounting that pink salmon, pumped by the billions into the North Pacific from fish hatcheries, are upending marine ecosystems."

Source: Hakai, 06/02/2022

"Here’s How The Government Wants To Disaster-Proof Your Home"

"On this first day of the Atlantic hurricane season, federal officials are launching a new initiative to modernize building codes so that communities can be more resilient to hurricanes, flooding, wildfires, and other extreme weather events that are intensifying due to climate change."

Source: AP, 06/02/2022
