Search results

"Navajo Sign Water Rights Settlement With Utah, Feds"

"Federal officials signed an agreement with leaders of the Navajo Nation on Friday that provides funding for clean drinking water infrastructure for reservation residents and resolves questions about longstanding Navajo claims to water rights in the drought-stricken U.S. West."

Source: AP, 05/30/2022

"A Waterway Project in Brazil Imperils a Vast Tropical Wetland"

"The Pantanal, the world’s largest tropical wetland, has been battered in recent years by agricultural development, drought, and fire. Now, a push to turn the region’s key river into a waterway for soybean-laden barges threatens to alter the natural flows of this iconic ecosystem."

Source: YaleE360, 05/30/2022

"Judge Orders US To Decide If Wolverines Need Protection"

"A federal judge has given U.S. wildlife officials 18 months to decide if wolverines should be protected under the Endangered Species Act, following years of dispute over how much risk climate change and other threats pose to the rare and elusive predators."

Source: AP, 05/30/2022
