Water & Oceans

"Flint Water Woes Reach Beyond Lead In Drinking Supply"

"Replacing 13 miles of water mains every year for the next 50 years. Repairing or replacing five dams. Switching out at least 2,000 lead service lines every year for five years. Those are some of the "immediate needs" for the city of Flint's ailing water system that go far beyond removing lead particles from the contaminated drinking water supply, according to a state-commissioned report obtained by the Detroit Free Press."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 06/07/2016

"Coal Ash Cleanup At Grainger Site Results In Cleaner Groundwater"

"COLUMBIA, SC --  Since a power company began digging up coal ash from a leaking waste pond west of Myrtle Beach, arsenic levels have dropped dramatically in groundwater, according to an environmental group that pushed to have the ash removed."

Source: Columbia State, 06/03/2016

"Bernie Sanders Takes On Trump Over Drought And Climate Change"

"Bernie Sanders, traipsing across far-flung regions of California as he seeks a comeback victory here next week, swatted at likely Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump for minimizing the state’s water shortage and the effects of climate change."

Source: Sacramento Bee, 06/03/2016

In Alabama, 100,000 People Told Not To Drink Water Due To Contamination

"A water provider in northern Alabama warned more than 100,000 customers on Thursday not to drink or cook with tap water, saying it could be contaminated with potentially dangerous levels of a chemical that federal health officials have linked to cancer, according to local media reports."

Source: Reuters, 06/03/2016

"Canada, U.S. Warn of Eight Chemicals in Great Lakes"

"Canada and the United States have identified eight substances in the water of the Great Lakes as chemicals of mutual concern under the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. These chemicals are potentially harmful to human health or the environment or both."

Source: ENS, 06/01/2016


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