Water & Oceans

"Schools Around The Country Find Lead In Water, With No Easy Answers"

"The ongoing crisis in Flint, Mich., has shined a spotlight on the public-health hazards that lead continues to pose in U.S. drinking water. In particular, it has led to renewed pressure to test for the problem in the nation’s schools, where millions of young children, the age group most vulnerable to lead poisoning, spend their days."

Source: Wash Post, 07/05/2016

How Can Industrial-Scale Agriculture Reduce Its Environmental Footprint?

"Rivers, streams, lakes, and coastal waters of the United States face various threats through human activities, not least of which is the bane of pollution. One of the major sources of contaminants that can upset the natural balance is industrial output, including large-scale agriculture, particularly if the processes and discharge are poorly managed, according to a new report from Environment America."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 07/04/2016

In Calif., Study Finds Drilling and Fracking into Freshwater Formations

"The overlap of oil and gas development and water sources underscores the vulnerability of California's groundwater, and the need for monitoring, the authors said."

"In California's farming heartland, as many as one of every five oil and gas projects occurs in underground sources of fresh water, according to a new study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/28/2016


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