Water & Oceans

"NASA Takes 23,000-Foot View Of The World's Coral Reefs"

"Coral reefs have almost always been studied up close, by scientists in the water looking at small portions of larger reefs to gather data and knowledge about the larger ecosystems. But NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is taking a step back and getting a wider view, from about 23,000 feet above."

Source: AP, 06/09/2016

"Unabated Global Warming Threatens West's Snowpack, Water Supply"

"Low-elevation snowpack across the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada and the Cascades will disappear in the coming decades if global warming continues unabated, according to a new study. The changes will cause water shortages in the region and dry out forests and grasslands, the study's authors say."

Source: InsideClimate News, 06/09/2016

"Legionnaires’ Outbreaks: Cases Nearly Quadrupled In 15 Years"

"Cases of Legionnaires' disease nearly quadrupled in the United States over a 15-year period, and almost all might have been prevented with the proper use of disinfectant, the right water temperature and other measures, federal health officials said Tuesday."

Source: Wash Post, 06/08/2016

"Groups Seek Stronger Safeguards In Illinois Coal Ash Rules"

"The Vermilion Middle Fork is a swift-flowing river winding through lush forests, rolling prairie and craggy cliffs in central Illinois. Designated as one of the country’s “National Scenic Rivers,” it is subject to federal and state protections, popular with paddlers and home to wildlife including 24 endangered or threatened species. But the river’s banks butt up against three massive pits filled with toxic coal ash produced over five decades by the Vermilion coal-fired power plant... ."

Source: Midwest Energy News, 06/08/2016

"Drinking Water: EPA Unveils Guidelines For Post-Nuclear Accident"

"U.S. EPA has issued its first-ever guidance on contamination in drinking water in the wake of a nuclear disaster, 'dirty bomb' or other radiological accident, drawing criticism from public health and environmental groups."

Source: E&E News PM, 06/08/2016

"Critical Index Finds Smelt Nearly Extinct In Sacramento Delta"

"Delta smelt have hovered close to extinction for years, but biologists say they’ve never seen anything like this spring. 'There’s nothing between them and extinction, as far as I can tell,' said Peter Moyle, a UC Davis biologist who has studied smelt and other Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta fish species for nearly four decades."

Source: Sacramento Bee, 06/08/2016


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