Water & Oceans

Detroit School Leader’s Reaction To Lead In Water: Shut Off The Taps

"The results landed on Nikolai Vitti’s desk on a late summer afternoon, days before Detroit’s nearly 50,000 public school students would return to class. The findings were definitive and disturbing: In initial tests, two-thirds of schools showed alarming levels of lead in the water."

Source: Washington Post, 12/20/2018

‘Delmarva Potholes’ Help Clean The Chesapeake, Worthy Of Protection

"A Trump administration proposal to roll back protections for some marshes and streams could affect more than 30,000 acres of wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, according to a new report."

Source: WAMU, 12/19/2018

"Wetlands, Lakes Would Lose Protections Under Michigan Bill"

"Michigan legislators were poised Tuesday to remove legal protections from many of the state’s wetlands and other inland waterways, which provide wildlife habitat and perform vital tasks such as preventing floods."

Source: AP, 12/19/2018

"Hurricane Michael Cost This Military Base About $5 Billion"

"Major hurricanes, devastating wildfires, a drought and a series of extreme storms ran up the count of billion-dollar U.S. climate and weather disasters."

"As Hurricane Michael quickly gained strength over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico in October, Tyndall Air Force Base began sending its stealth fighters to safer bases—all but the more than a dozen planes undergoing maintenance. Two days later, the base was being ripped apart by 155 mile-per-hour winds that left it littered with the twisted metal of torn-away rooftops and hangars.

Source: InsideClimate News, 12/18/2018

"As PFAS Lawsuits Proliferate, Legal Tactics Emerge"

"Potentially billions of dollars in damages are at stake in more than a hundred lawsuits against chemical companies, manufacturers, the U.S. military, and others for contaminating water supplies with toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, a class of more than 4,000 man-made chemicals known collectively as PFASs."

Source: Circle of Blue, 12/18/2018

"These 15 Trends Have Big Implications For Biodiversity In 2019"

"More than two dozen futurists, environmental scientists and others from around the world recently put their heads together to do a “horizon scan” of emerging trends that are getting relatively little attention but have the potential to have substantial impact on biodiversity conservation in the future."

Source: Ensia, 12/17/2018


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