Water & Oceans

In 2019, PFAS Chemicals Will Show Up in Drinking Water … and Headlines

The vast and widely used PFAS family of chemicals is causing serious worries across the country, as it turns up in more and more drinking water systems. Pressure to regulate it is also growing, but with mixed results. This week’s TipSheet offers a detailed look-ahead on this big, developing story, with a walk-through of the context, what the EPA is (and isn’t) doing, and why states are stepping up.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Trump Admin OKs Seismic Tests That Could Harm Atlantic Dolphins, Whales

"The Trump administration took an important step toward future oil and natural gas drilling off the Atlantic shore, approving five requests allowing companies to conduct deafening seismic surveys that could harm tens of thousands of dolphins, whales and other marine animals, according to studies."

Source: Washington Post, 12/03/2018

Ariz. Top Court Rules Against Hopi on Wastewater Snow on Sacred Land

"The Hopi Tribe cannot claim special damage on land controlled by the Arizona Snowbowl ski resort, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled Thursday, all but ending an eight-year legal battle and ensuring the ski area can continue using machine-made snow on the state's most popular slopes."

Source: Arizona Republic, 11/30/2018

Hog Waste Agreement Lacked Teeth; Some North Carolinians Left to Suffer

"Today, many farmers continue to store the waste in open pits despite the millions of dollars in private investment spent and years of research and political promises. The practice grows more hazardous with each hurricane that pounds the state."

Source: ProPublica, 11/26/2018
November 28, 2018

Water @ Wilson: 50 Years of Water, Conflict and Cooperation

As the Wilson Center celebrates its 50th anniversary, the Environmental Change and Security Program marks water’s central role in our work at a special event highlighting innovative approaches to water, health, and security. Watch the event live online, Nov 28, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., as we take stock on the 1st year of the 1st U.S. Global Water Strategy; explore new research and practice on water, peace, and conflict; and highlight the centrality of water to global prosperity.

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