
Climate ‘Censorship’ Raised in Disinformation Fracas

A recent climate change disinformation kerfuffle involving House Republicans and White House climate czar Gina McCarthy (pictured, left) is an excellent reminder of how journalists can get caught up in the decades-long campaign to deny climate change, argues the latest WatchDog Opinion column. A warning about the effort to weaponize the idea of transparency when it comes to climate change.

SEJ Publication Types: 
August 30, 2022 to August 31, 2022

2022 Lake Erie Science and Outdoor Writers Conference

Ohio Sea Grant is hosting this hands-on learning experience at F.T. Stone Laboratory, The Ohio State University's Island Campus on Lake Erie. The event, housing and meals are free of charge to participants.

Topics on the Beat: 

Why Scientists Have Pumped A Potent Greenhouse Gas Into Public Streams

"A massive ecological study that's happening across the United States, and which is designed to track the impact of long-term changes like a warming climate, is deliberately releasing a highly potent and persistent greenhouse gas in national parks and forests."

Source: NPR, 08/16/2022

NOAA Data Portal Is a Great Home Port for Environmental Journalists

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration database is as vast as the oceans the agency monitors and filled with information collected by a wide array of instruments operating above, below and on the water’s surface. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox delves into the NOAA Data Discovery Portal and takes a look at a new search tool that promises easier exploration of this treasure trove.

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