Laws & Regulations

Hundreds Of New Wells May Dry Up One Of Arizona's Most Precious Rivers

"A flash of red streaked through the trees: a vermilion flycatcher. The brightly colored bird chirped and trilled, adding to a chorus that rang from the towering trees. ... The ecosystem depends on the river, and the river itself depends on an unseen source. Much of its flow is fed by groundwater, emerging from the aquifer in springs and seeps, sustaining the river."

Source: Arizona Republic, 12/09/2019

"House: Pelosi Expects Major Climate Bill Before The 2020 Election"

"The House is poised to take up major climate change legislation before next year's elections, once the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis submits its policy recommendations, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters this morning [Friday]."

Source: Greenwire, 12/09/2019

"UN Climate Talks Aim To Pave Way For Global Carbon Market"

"Economists say that carbon markets ... can become a powerful tool in the fight against climate change, by giving emitters a financial incentive to reduce greenhouse gases. But despite making progress in other areas, governments have for years been unable to agree on the rules that would allow truly global trade in carbon permits to flourish."

Source: AP, 12/06/2019


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