Laws & Regulations

"EPA Clean Water Act Interpretation Reasonable, Court Says"

"The EPA’s determination that it “categorically” can’t regulate pollution-via-groundwater under the Clean Water Act is entitled to deference despite “opening a gaping regulatory loophole,” the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts said Nov. 26."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/27/2019

Meat Industry Cannot Block California Animal Protection Law: US Judge

"A federal judge in Los Angeles refused to stop California from enforcing a voter-approved measure requiring farmers to provide more space for animals being raised for food.

U.S. District Judge Christina Snyder ruled on Friday that the North American Meat Institute, whose members include processors such as Tyson Foods and retailers including Walmart, did not deserve a preliminary injunction against enforcing the measure known as Proposition 12.

Source: Reuters, 11/26/2019


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