Environmental Politics

"Regulation of Chemical Industry Is Haphazard, Ineffective"

"WASHINGTON -- Eighteen years after a domestic terrorist murdered 168 people in Oklahoma City with an ammonia nitrate bomb, the federal government and the chemical industry are still jockeying over how to regulate a volatile and plentiful fertilizer that contributed to the devastating plant explosion in West.

At least five federal agencies enforce a patchwork of overlapping and sometimes conflicting regulation of chemical plants. The system is reliant on voluntary reporting by industry, and by nature is largely reactive to complaints or catastrophes.

Source: Hearst, 04/29/2013

"U.S. GMO Food Labeling Drive Has Biotech Industry Biting Back"

"New efforts to force labeling of foods made with genetically modified crops, including a bill introduced by U.S. lawmakers Wednesday, have struck a nerve with biotech crop developers who say they are rushing to roll out a broad strategy to combat consumer concerns about their products."

Source: Reuters, 04/26/2013

'Environmental Justice’ Soldiers on Minus King, Queen, or Major Dollars

"While mainstream environmental organizations lick their wounds over the failure of climate-change legislation and their startling lack of diversity, people of color and those living on low incomes continue to bear the brunt of climate-change impacts."

Source: Colorlines, 04/25/2013

Small Cuts In EPA Air Grants Mean Big Headache for State Regulators

"At a glance, U.S. EPA's plan to cut an $11.5 million grant program in an effort to meet the sequestration mandate doesn't look like much given the agency's $8.5 billion budget. But that's a lot of money to state and local air regulators who have been counting on it."

Source: Greenwire, 04/25/2013


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