"Obama Campaign Launches Plan To Shame Climate Sceptics in Congress"

"The campaign group formed to support Barack Obama's political agenda has launched an initiative to shame members of Congress who deny the science behind climate change."

"In an email to supporters on Thursday, Organizing for Action said it was time to call out members of Congress who deny the existence of climate change, saying they had blocked efforts to avoid its most catastrophic consequences.

The email linked to a video mocking Republicans who reject the science on climate change. 'Right now, way too many lawmakers in Washington flat-out refuse to face the facts when it comes to climate change,' Jon Carson, executive director of Organizing for Action wrote in the email. 'We're never going to make real progress on this issue unless members of Congress get serious.'"

Suzanne Goldenberg reports for the Guardian April 25, 2013.


"Lisa Murkowski On Climate Change: 'It's Real, We Need To Fight It'" (Huffington Post)

Source: Guardian, 04/26/2013