Environmental Politics

State AGs Challenge Trump-Era Rollback Of Energy Efficiency Standards

"Twelve state attorneys general, led by New York Attorney General Letitia James (D), on Tuesday filed a petition for review to eliminate a provision in Energy Department efficiency standards they say allows for inefficient residential furnaces and commercial water heaters."

Source: The Hill, 03/17/2021

"Chevron Faces an FTC Complaint Over Greenwashing"

"There may be trouble ahead for companies who claim to be helping the planet while continuing to produce fossil fuels. A coalition of green groups filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission on Monday alleging that Chevron is misleading the public in its claims that it is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

Source: Earther, 03/17/2021

CDC Identifies Trump Health Guidance That Downplayed Pandemic Severity

"Federal health officials have identified several controversial pandemic recommendations released during the Donald Trump administration that they say were “not primarily authored” by staff and don’t reflect the best scientific evidence, based on a review ordered by its new director."

Source: Washington Post, 03/16/2021

Biden To Name Former DC Solicitor To Lead DOJ Environmental Division

"President Joe Biden said on Monday he intends to nominate Todd Kim, former solicitor general for the District of Columbia, to lead the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division as its assistant attorney general."

Source: Reuters, 03/16/2021

"New E.P.A. Head Says Agency Has Climate Regulations Underway"

"Michael S. Regan, the new administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, confirmed on Monday that the agency is preparing new regulations on the electricity sector in an effort to meet President Biden’s aggressive climate change goals."

Source: NYTimes, 03/16/2021

Infrastructure Week All Year — But Will That Infrastructure Be Green?

A much-anticipated infrastructure bill in Congress could help address the United States’ poorly rated roads, pipes and powerlines. But could the massive measure also do the heavy lifting for much-needed climate policy? The latest Backgrounder takes a deep dive into the context around climate-friendly infrastructure legislation, and looks ahead on what’s expected and how to report it.

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